

的 作家的工作室 

的 作家的工作室 is located on the first floor of the library for in-person appointments. 学生 may walk in any time during opening hours to meet with a tutor, or they may schedule an appointment. Weekly standing appointments are available and encouraged. 学生 in the 在线 degree programs may use our scheduling system to set up synchronous or asynchronous tutoring appointments. 

To schedule an appointment, create an account using WC在线. 的n, schedule your appointment using this link: Create a WC在线 Account 


的 作家的工作室 supports each student’s efforts to develop their writing process and expand their writing strategies. Peer tutors work with the Coker community on writing projects of all kinds and at any stage of the writing process. Working with a writing tutor will help you improve your ability to read critically, 头脑风暴法, 拟定草稿, 修改你的写作, and proofread the final copy.  


的 作家的工作室 is staffed by Coker students who have studied composition theory and writing pedagogy. Tutors have learned how to offer each student a supportive environment to talk about their ideas and discover strategies that will help them develop their writing. Every writer is different, so each session is tailored to the specific concerns of the individual student.  

Becoming a Writing Tutor

Do you like helping other people? Are you interested in developing clear, transferable skills for graduate school and your career? 博士联系. 玛格丽特·J. 戈德比所 mgodbey@theheartconsultants.com


的 first step to becoming a tutor is completing the course ENG 363: Seminar in Tutoring and Writing. This class introduces students to the theory and practice of writing and focuses on developing your writing strategies and understanding of the writing process, 研究, 以及引用风格. Observing tutoring sessions in the writing center and role-playing different tutoring scenarios help tutors prepare to work with Coker students in person and 在线. Tutor training is ongoing after tutors begin work in the Studio.    


Writing tutors earn $10/hour and typically work 4-15 hours per week. 的se flexible hours can be scheduled around other obligations, such as athletics and performing arts schedules. 

Successful tutors are strong academic writers and good listeners; they enjoy helping their fellow Cobras and being part of a collaborative group. We particularly welcome applicants from our larger programs on campus, 比如商业, 犯罪学, 教育, 体育课, 心理学, and the 视觉 and Performing Arts, as well as students who can support writers in languages other than English. Interested students who have completed ENG 112 should contact Dr. 玛格丽特·J. 戈德比所, Director of the 作家的工作室, mgodbey@theheartconsultants.com 

  • 杰西卡Binzari








  • 营业时间  






    Friday and Saturday: CLOSED

  • For students in our 在线 and/or off-campus programs, we offer 在线 and e-tutoring through our WC 在线 service. 在线 help is by appointment only. 学生 can make appointments to work with a tutor either synchronously (在线 tutoring) or asynchronously (e-tutoring).

    晚上学生, bridge program students, 在线, and graduate students can access 作家的工作室 services directly through WC 在线 technology.


    Please contact the 作家的工作室 (843-383-8187) for additional information and appointments, or contact the co-directors of the 作家的工作室: Dr. Jasna Shannon (jshannon@theheartconsultants.com, 843-383-8116) or Dr. Margaret 戈德比所 (mgodbey@theheartconsultants.com, 843-383-8118).

  • To schedule an appointment, create an account using WC在线. 的n, schedule your appointment using this link: Create a WC在线 Account




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